glue tank

How to Clean Hot Melt Glue Machine

1. Drain the  Residual Glue from The Glue Tank? Set the temperature of the rubber box to 150-160 ° C (according to the melting setting of the hot melt adhesive). Unload the pressure of the rubber pump. Disassemble the hose and the glue gun, and drain the residual glue in the hot melt glue machine. Drain the glue from the tank and remove the filter from the tank and the filter near the drain. If the melter is just beginning to heat up, the incompletely melted residual glue can be completely removed from the tank. (Attention with high-temperature gloves operation). 2. Soak and clean the hot melt adhesive with a special cleaning agent. Place the hot melt adhesive cleaning agent R solvent in a capacity of about 1/2. The temperature of the plastic box is set to… Continue Reading